August 13-17, Desag Panzió, Zeteváralja.







Meet the Speakers and Counselors

Horváth Levente és Mária

Horváth Levente és Mária

Mária and Levente have been married 33 years and their children are now grown. They live in Cluj and both are employees of the Bonus Pastor Foundation. Levente is the founding president of the addiction services section, while Mária works as a social worker at the Terápiás Otthon in Ózd and at the counseling office of the Bonus Pastor Foundation in Cluj. Both have many years of experience working with addicts and their families. Levente is a pastor by training, but he is also qualified in family therapy, pastoral care, and life guidance. Mária graduated as a teacher of chemistry and physics, then as a social worker and also studied family therapy. Both of them have been providing spiritual care to couples for decades and regularly engage in spiritual guidance.

Kocsis Tünde

Kocsis Tünde

Tünde Kocsis is a clinical psychologist who completed her bachelor's degree and master's degree in Counseling and Psychological Intervention at Babeș-Bólyai University in Cluj. Later, she completed her studies with a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist training in Arad. Her ongoing professional training goes in several directions: preparation of a psychological profile and personalized intervention plan; self-awareness and personality development in childhood and adolescence; motivational interview; psychosomatics; psychotrauma; Adlerian approach; attachment, and use of couple therapy tools. She has been working in a private practice in Margitta (Bihar county), since 2016, and leading support groups for about 12 years within the framework of the Bonus Pastor foundation. She currently performs this service in Nagyvárád. Her partner has also worked together in a previous Csakis camp and they both loved participating in this God-blessed service (although this year, unfortunately, only Tünde will be present).

Dr. Kiss Jenő

Dr. Kiss Jenő

Dr. Jenő Kiss is currently a teacher of theory of spiritual care at KPTI, an experienced spiritual caregiver (mainly in the field of family relationships), a contextual spiritual caregiver, a contextual helper, a supervisor, and a coach.

English Camp Program 2024 | July 16-20

Going through the Family Castle
Are we different? Where do we meet

As the first camp is not translated, we will only update this program for the second 2024 camp

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